Monday, October 17, 2022

Week 7&8

 In weeks 7&8 we have been talking about data and how we can use that to assess children. We looked at how some scores can be presented. For most, it is a personal preference on how they would like their scores presented, and there are many ways to do so. There are many different graphs that can be used to visually show data, or portfolios can be used to document scores. In week 8 we worked on how to calculate some of the different areas of scores that include: mean, median, mode, range and standard deviation. We worked on an Excel spreadsheet to analyze the data and put it into bar graphs or pie charts, depending on what needed to be shown. I felt very familiar using Excel as I took a business class in high school that was Excel based. I know feel I have grasped that knowledge again, and I feel more comfortable.

The Excel practice we did in class shows one of many ways students scores can be presented. As a teacher, it is important to remember that there are many ways to analyze and assess data. By using different charts and thinking about what is most user friendly. These charts and graphs can also be very helpful to parents to see where their child falls in a certain category or subject.

What Is Excel? A Beginner's Overview | Deskbright

Vocabulary Words to Remember:

mean: average of all the numbers 

median: middle number

mode: number that occurs the most

range: largest number minus the smaller

standard deviation: variation of the answers 

4 Printable Mean Median Mode and Range Math Posters. Full - Etsy

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Week 6

    Courtesy Clipart Cute - Lesson Plan My Friends Theme For Preschoolers  Transparent PNG - 600x208 - Free Download on NicePNG

In all of our classes this week we have been working on aligning standards and objectives, and what that looks like when figuring out curriculum. We also talked about a backwards design approach to make sure we are aligned with the areas we need to be. Starting with the standard is the first step in writing any lesson plan. Without the standard, you cannot align the objectives, prerequisites, and all the areas that a lesson plan includes. In our math class, we have been writing a lesson plan aligned to a grade level and a standard of our choice. For my lesson plan, I chose to write my lesson plan at a Kindergarten level. I chose to write at this grade level because this is one grade level I have not had much experience teaching or observing. This was difficult for me to try and think about what would be developmentally appropriate. In this assessments class we were asked to look at the assessments we chose to include in our lesson plan. We looked at ways that we can measure a child's progress. Many people think that assessments have to be a test, or something of that nature. Assessments can be anything that can be used to measure a child's growth like an anchor chart or a drawing. In class we were able to look at our classmates lesson plans to see how they put their own ideas into action. It was interesting to see ways that I never would have thought about in that way. It also gave me ideas that I am able to incorporate into future lesson plans. I am looking forward to being able to write a lesson plan with my co op teacher when I go to field. I hope that I am able to learn from them how to improve my lesson plans! 

Free Lesson Cliparts, Download Free Lesson Cliparts png images, Free  ClipArts on Clipart LibraryTruth For Teachers - Tips for purposeful lesson planning

Week 7&8

 In weeks 7&8 we have been talking about data and how we can use that to assess children. We looked at how some scores can be presented....