What is Bloom's Taxonomy?
Bloom's Taxonomy is a hierarchical ordering of cognitive skills that more from simple to more complex up the pyramid. Students become more knowledgable as they move through the different levels. This can also be helpful when writing lesson plans so that students can work on each level, and eventually be able to do them all automatically. There are also 6 levels to this pyramid which differs from DOK that only has 4 different levels.
Levels of Bloom's Taxonomy (6 being the highest level and 1 being the lowest)
1. Remember
2. Understand
3. Apply
4. Analyze
5. Evaluate
6. Create

What is Webb's Depth of Knowledge?
DOK is a building process in which each step requires more thinking as you progress. It will also determine the level of rigor that is being used. It is different from Bloom's Taxonomy due to the fact that you don't have to move in any certain order. The students also doesn't have to a master a skill to move onto the next one.
Levels of DOK
1. Recall and Reproduction
2. Skills and Concepts
3. Strategic Thinking
4. Extended Thinking
Future Use
Both of these will be beneficial to me because it will give me a place to start when lesson planning. I could also introduce both ideas to my students so they can see themselves work up the scale to see how much they learned.
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